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Why Your Business Needs A Five Year Plan

Without a five year plan, your business may not grow. Here’s why a roadmap for your business is so important!

by Atomic Mommy Editors

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A five year plan is something most businesses put together to guide how they grow. It’s a roadmap that allows you to explore and develop in multiple ways while still tracking the same goal. However, without this kind of roadmap, it can be harder to build your business in the way you want to. 

This is the main reason your business needs a five year plan, but it also goes deeper than that. Let’s go through the factors that influence your need to plan ahead as a business owner below.

smiling florists standing at counter in floristry shop
Photo by Amina Filkins on

To Define Your Goals

What do you want out of your business? Where do you want it to go? You won’t be able to keep track of either of these questions if you don’t have a five year plan listing them out. It’s easy to lose the path you initially set yourself on, and we can be forgetful of when, where, and what we’re doing, especially when the working world throws twists and turns at us. 

Defining your goals can be done in a milestone format. Year one, hit this milestone. Year two, follow up by hitting the next milestone. The growth can spitball quite fast when you’re constantly aware of where you want to go, so be sure to note it down and make it a prominent part of your business plan. 

To Build a Good Reputation

Building a good reputation is a lot harder than it seems. After all, you’re a small business that doesn’t have much to go on right now, and you’ve got a lot of competition to go up against. However, that doesn’t mean you’ll stay this way forever. WIth a five year plan, you can map out where, when, and how you’ll build your reputation over time. 

This is an important moment right now. A five year plan can lay out how you’ll advertise over the next five years, as well as help you put together profit growth projections. More than that, it can help you discover resources that’ll help with this development, such as these NetReputation Reviews, that could form the drive behind your online branding over the next twelve months. Reputations don’t come about on their own, and a plan makes it easier to work for them. 

To Anticipate Future Problems

Finally, a five year plan is great for removing the guesswork! We know the working world can be problematic and it can be difficult to traverse on your own. But with a few milestone goals written down, and a forward plan on how to reach them, it’ll be so much easier to see where curveballs will be thrown at you! And knowing where a problem could come from is half the solution; you’ll already be prepared, and have a contingency in place just in case. 

The Takeaway

Remember, your business needs a five year plan simply because you want to make it big. Put one together with the points above. 

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