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Reasons Why Academic Competitions Are Great Educational Tools

Are you curious about the reasons behind academic competitions, and what makes them great educational tools? Read on to find out. 

by Atomic Mommy Editors

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Academic competitions are great educational tools for schools. They help a student identify their weaknesses, recognize their potential, gives them a challenge, and equips them with the necessary skills required for attempting future exams. 

By attempting these examinations, students are motivated to unlock their potential and achieve academic excellence. Not just that, but these tests also give them a challenge that they don’t usually face in the classrooms. 

The subjects involved in these assessments and the related questions require critical thinking and rigorous analysis, giving students an opportunity to go beyond their normal capabilities. Most of all, they receive feedback after every attempt at a test, helping them work on areas that require improvement. 

But what are the other reasons behind the importance of academic competitions, and what makes them excellent educational tools? Read on to find out. 

What makes academic competitions important?

Schools should consider having their students compete in academic competitions for several reasons. Firstly, they help students receive an objective ranking of their performance.

Secondly, these tests motivate the students to attain academic success, besides encouraging them to think outside the classroom, contributing to their emotional, social and personal development. 

Thirdly, students receive a medal or certificate in recognition after completing these competitions, raising their self-confidence and encouraging them to perform better in the future. 

Why are they great educational tools? 

The tests provided by or similar assessments include various subjects requiring students to use their analytical, comprehension and critical thinking skills. 

Some subjects included are English, mathematics, science, digital technologies, writing and spelling bees. These require students to improve their comprehension skills, critical thought process, analytical ability, investigation, rationalisation and writing abilities. 

Here are some other reasons behind their being great educational tools. 

Recognize every student’s potential 

Assessments help students recognize their fullest potential and reward them for achieving academic excellence or even trying to improve themselves academically. It motivates them to perform better by encouraging and motivating them.

Challenge the students 

Students enjoy competing in these because they can attempt challenging questions they wouldn’t usually have a chance to in school tests. Students get an idea of where they stand amongst others in their schools.

Equips with skills for future exams

Another reason academic competitions are great educational tools is the skills they equip students with, particularly those appearing for higher examinations. Students develop multiple skills, including problem-solving, higher-order thinking and critical thinking. It helps them go deeper into various subjects and develop a comprehensive approach. 

Questions with real-life applications 

Students usually are opposed to tests or problems that do not have real-life applications or seem vague. However, most academic assessments involve questions that apply to the real world. Rather than being merely theoretical, they have practical relevance.

 Excellent feedback mechanism

Assessments are an excellent way of showing students the errors they have made and what they can do to rectify them. It is helpful for the teachers, too, as they can identify the areas in which the students lag and take adequate measures to improve those. Seeing the results helps the students identify their strengths and weaknesses and create realistic goals that assist them in their learning process. 

The Takeaway

The subjects included in academic assessments test the students’ thinking, analytical, and problem-solving abilities. They help them get ready for their academic future in a confident manner. Competitions that challenge the students help in developing their self-confidence while assisting them in recognising their strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement. 

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