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How to Live with Diabetes and Stay Physically, Mentally, & Emotionally Strong

Are you struggling to live with diabetes and manage motherhood? You’re not alone! With this guide, learn some practical tips to navigate diabetes AND motherhood!

by Atomic Mommy Editors

Feature Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich via Pexels

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Diabetes is not easy to live with. There are many factors that come into play in managing it, and there are countless routines to remember. But to navigate diabetes AND motherhood at the same time? Well, it’s definitely a challenge. 

Busy moms already have to juggle so many tasks and mental loads that it would be easy to miss appointments, overlook symptoms, and even ignore one’s needs.

There are many things you can do to manage your health today such as seeking professional help and starting healthy routines. 

Here are more tips to help better navigate diabetes and manage our health:

1. Prioritize diabetes management

Prioritizing your health is not something you should feel guilty about. Making diabetes management and staying healthy are top goals because these would make it easier then to give our best in our roles as a partner, a mother, an employee or boss, and all the other roles we take on.  

Make sure you make it to your doctors’ appointments by scheduling them in advance and setting up multiple reminders on your calendar. If you are trying to manage your weight along with your diabetes, there are diabetic weight management programs which include easy nutrition planning, food lists, glucose trackers, and community support in one.  Invest in diabetes and blood glucose care supplies such as glucose strips and monitors, and schedule regular deliveries so you don’t need to worry about running out.

2. Foster a healthy family lifestyle

We all know the importance of a nutritious diet and physical exercise in staying fit and healthy. In diabetes, making sure you have a balanced diet is not only beneficial, it is a necessity. Exercise helps in lowering blood glucose, and also helps you lower your risk of getting other medical conditions or complications such as heart disease and obesity.

Make diabetes care a routine not only for you but for your family as well. Include the nutrient planning in preparing all family meals. This not only ensures you all maintain a healthy diet, but makes it easier for you since you will not need to prepare separate meals for yourself. Set aside time for exercise either in the morning for you before your daily tasks, or carve out some time to go out and do a physical activity with your family such as going on walks or swims.

3. Make daily life easier

Is a mother’s day ever easy? Not really. But we can definitely try to make it easier, especially if you have to add diabetes care to it. Since there are many things to remember, making it a part of your everyday routine instead of an afterthought will make sure you are always on top of your diabetes.  

Carve out time every day for your diabetes routines such as taking your medication and glucose checks. You can schedule these after your daily hygiene rituals, or set daily alarms in your phone. Keep your supplies in specific easy-access locations so you don’t fall to the out of sight out of mind problem. Get your family involved by teaching them about diabetes and its symptoms to look out for in case you need help. You can also include your diabetes schedules on a family calendar so everyone can remind you in case you oversee something.

4. Practice self-care

Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish. Staying healthy and strong, physically and mentally, are important. Also, there is such as a thing as diabetes burnout where a person living with diabetes feels mentally and physically tired or indifferent or hopeless when it comes to the disease, because of all the daily decisions and personal efforts needed. As a result, the person neglects it for a certain period or continuously, with serious consequences.

Make sure you get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. Practice wellness activities such meditation in the morning, breathing exercises, or yoga. Take some time to yourself if you need to rest. Surround yourself with supportive people whether they are family, friends, or peers who understand your diabetes journey. 

Wrapping Up

As a mother living with diabetes, it is essential to prioritize your health without guilt, foster a healthy lifestyle for the entire family, streamline daily routines, and practice self-care to avoid burnout. By integrating these strategies into your life, you can navigate the complexities of diabetes while embracing the joys of motherhood with confidence and resilience. Remember, your well-being is a priority, and by taking care of yourself, you can continue to be the incredible mother your family needs.

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