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Your Family’s Guide to A Healthy Heart

Learn how to have a healthier heart with these ten strategies. Start with a heart-healthy diet and incorporate other lifestyle changes for optimal cardiovascular health.

by Erika Robertson

Feature Photo by Puwadon Sang-ngern on

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Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the world, taking over 56,000 lives each day. However, it is easily preventable with a healthy lifestyle.

You can use various science-based strategies to improve the cardiovascular health of yourself and your loved ones. Here, we will look at ten strategies to help you and your family have a healthier heart.

1. Eat Healthier Meals

A heart-healthy diet is the number one requirement for avoiding cardiovascular diseases. Add more whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, nuts, and legumes to your meals.

Replace your regular cooking oils with organic olive oil. Try to steer clear of processed and sugary foods. 

Involve your family more in the meal-prepping process to instill healthy eating habits in them. By following a healthier diet, you can indulge in occasional treats without feeling guilty.

2. Incorporate Exercise Into Your Day

Physical activity is another essential component of a healthy heart. Adding exercise to your routine allows you to protect your heart and reach your health goals in record time.

You don’t have to do any intense workouts. Pick an activity you all can enjoy as a family and do that. This activity can be anything from daily walking to joining a fun dance class, swimming, or going on bike rides.

3. Take Supplements for Additional Support

Sometimes, diet and exercise alone cannot protect your family’s heart. You might need additional help to support your heart health. Supplements can do that.

Speak to a healthcare professional to see which heart and cardio supplements can benefit you and your family the most. Some of the most popular choices are omega-3 fatty acids, coenzyme Q10, and magnesium supplements.

These supplements can work with a healthy lifestyle to boost your family’s cardiovascular health.

4. Quit Smoking

Did you know that cigarettes have over 250 toxic chemicals besides nicotine that can endanger your health? According to a recent study, more than 50% of adults who smoke develop cardiovascular problems and are more likely to die from a heart attack.

You can avoid these dangers by dumping tobacco in all its forms, cigarettes, and vapes. Quitting tobacco also means you’ll be exposing your children less to the dangerous smoke. You’ll also avoid encouraging them to go down the same path.

5. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

One of the main complications of obesity is heart disease. Reports show that those with a higher body mass index (BMI) have the highest risk of cardiovascular issues. So, maintaining a healthy body weight is a must.

It’s not just about the number on the scale. Belly fat also has a lot to do with it. Speak with your family doctor to see where you and your children stand. If you’re not in a healthy weight range, ask your doctor for advice on getting there.

6. Manage Stress and Anxiety

Stress is another contributor to heart disease. It’s also unavoidable in the fast-paced lives we live today.

You can reduce stress in your household by practicing mindfulness exercises like yoga and meditation with your family. Set a specific time and gather everyone for a relaxing yoga session to calm your mind and ease your stress.

7. Get Enough Sleep

We all know about the numerous advantages of getting enough sleep. One of the less talked about benefits of getting more sleep is that it can lower your risk of heart disease.

Adults should aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep, while children should rest for at least 8-10 hours. You can develop a night routine for your family to help everyone wind down before bed and get the quality sleep they need.

8. Visit Your Doctor Regularly

Regular check-ups are necessary for staying on top of your family’s heart health. Doctors can check your family’s blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels.

It’s also a good idea to know your family’s health history so you can prepare for any issues that might arise. The earlier you detect a problem, the better you can treat it and avoid further complications.

9. Learn the Symptoms of Cardiovascular Diseases

Even if you implement all of these strategies, cardiovascular issues like stroke, heart attack, and cardiac arrest can still happen. 

Learning the signs of these diseases is crucial so you can take action when necessary. Symptoms can vary between people. For instance, women might experience more nausea, back pain, and shortness of breath. 

Know the differences and have a plan of action for emergencies. Memorize the emergency phone numbers and remind yourself not to panic.

10. Set an Example for Your Children

Finally, if you want to instill good lifestyle habits in your kids and encourage them to be healthier, you have got to lead by example.

As an adult, you can influence how your kids decide to live their lives when they grow up. So make smart and healthy choices. 

You’re not perfect, and this may not always be possible, but persistence can help you win and inspire your kids to stay healthy as they age.

Start Boosting Your Family’s Heart Health Today

Remember, heart disease is preventable for the most part. It comes down to the choices you make in your daily life.

So start making healthier choices and use the strategies we gave you to improve your family’s heart health and live your best life.

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